
3 New Wakeup Calls for Change

Copyright April 2012, ASAE: The Center for Association Leadership, Washington, DC. Republished with Permission.  3 New Wakeup Calls for Change By: Dan Ratner Getting your association’s staff and volunteers on board with change is a lot like getting a stubborn teenager to wake up in the morning. It’s all about getting their attention and removing their comfort with the familiar. Have you ever tried waking up a teenager early in the morning? He ignores the…
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The 4 Reasons Why You Need An Event Planner

Raise your hand if you’ve ever planned a kids’ birthday party? Or perhaps a surprise party for someone? Bridal Shower? Baby Shower? Reunion? Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Shall I keep going? Planning is a lot of prep work and so often includes many details that we think of after the fact. Let us know your favorite planning moment in the comments. All too often I am asked, why hire an event planner? My answer is always the…
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Why Should You Hire a Professional Photographer for Your Event?

Today we welcome guest blogger, Tamieka Smith of Tamieka Smith Photography. The best moments in your life deserve to be captured in the most amazing way possible. So why would you want to risk it with hiring an amateur photographer when you can easily have a professional photographer photograph your event? Someone who knows the Art of Photography is so much more likely to give you better results than somebody who just owns a DSLR…
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