
SEO-What does it all really mean? An interview with the team of Target Rocket 040

 Recently a guest speaker of ours at a program said “If you are the smartest person in the room you are in the wrong room.” Today’s episode we are bringing the experts, in a field that we are not, to YOU and talking SEO with Corrie & Heather the team behind Target Rocket. What does SEO mean? How can we keep up with the ever changing technology? How many dollars do I allocate within my…
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Remedying the Situation- Is the customer always right? 039

 We are back with all new episodes. This week we are asking, “Is the customer always right?”. We agree on the answer and does it match what you think? Listen in to find out and find ways to remedy a situation. We give some clear cut examples of how to remedy various situations. Have you needed to remedy a situation? We want to hear about it please share with us in the comments or…
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5 Tips in 5 Minutes for Prospecting 038

In this month’s 5 tips in 5 minutes we are giving you some ideas on how to prospect. So, how can you find those new customers, members, clients or sales? Take a listen and let us know what works best for you! Right Click here and save as to download to your computer.